You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness盾持つ乙女、エオウィン冒険好きなホビット、フロドエルフの女王、ガラドリエル指輪の王、サウロンゴンドールの王、アラゴルン西方への航海者、ガンダルフ忠実なる従者、サム白の手、サルマン近衛隊のベレゴンドミナス・ティリスの英雄百戦錬磨のフライパンとっつぁん
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessウンバールの海賊石の予見者、デネソール王国への忠誠湖に潜む化け物矢来を上げよホビットの隷属侵入者を捕らえろ心奪われし追跡者、ゴクリ袋小路屋敷を守る者、ロベリアばあさま欲張りな招待客戦慄の織り手、シェロブ救援を求めて
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness大いに食べるホビットガラズリムの待ち伏せロリアンの士官、ハルディア緑葉のレゴラス闇の森の大鹿意気盛んな小馬賞品の豚カラズラスを越える旅疾風斬りモリアのバルログ宴会の招待客誕生日の主賓、ビルボ
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessお百姓のコトン進め、エオルの家の子よ!サルマンの下僕、グリマくらやみのなかにつなぎとめるまぶた無き御目の凝視ナズグルの首領アイゼンガルドの監視人、メリー闇の森の罠師モリアの死体あさりエオルの誓いアイゼンガルドの監視人、ピピンRadagast, Wizard of Wilds
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness親切にもてなす者、木の鬚ドラゴンを起こすゴンドールの王冠ヒスラインの綱ロスロリアンの刃統一の模範サウロンの遺物黒門Éowyn, ShieldmaidenFrodo, Adventurous HobbitGaladriel, Elven-QueenSauron, Lord of the Rings
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness白の手、サルマン指輪の王、サウロン近衛隊のベレゴンドミナス・ティリスの英雄百戦錬磨のフライパンとっつぁんドゥーネダインの保護者、ギルライン灰色の軍勢の増援最強の大鷲、グワイヒアロッサールナハの隊長ゴンドールの文書保管人ウンバールの海賊
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness心奪われし追跡者、ゴラム袋小路屋敷を守る者、ロベリアばあさま欲張りな招待客戦慄の織り手、シェロブ救援を求めて洞窟に宝蓄えしドラゴン燦光洞のギムリオークの攻城戦指揮官猛り狂うウォー・マンモス希望の紡ぎ手、アルウェンエントの寄合の呼集大いに食べるホビット
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessカラズラスを越える旅疾風斬りモリアのバルログ宴会の招待客誕生日の主賓、ビルボゴンドールの希望、ボロミア船大工キールダン白の会議のエルロンドローハンの王、エオメル賢者会議のエレストールゴンドールの執政、ファラミアお百姓のコトン
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessモリアの死体あさりアイゼンガルドの監視人、ピピンRadagast, Wizard of Wildsローハンの乗り手西方への船出サルマンの召喚塁壁からの挑発あまりにも貪欲に、あまりにも深く親切にもてなす者、木の鬚ドラゴンを起こすゴンドールの王冠ヒスラインの綱
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness結束への呼びかけ希望の夜明け安らかに旅立つ者Dusk // Dawn強者破り悪鬼の狩人前線の衛生兵燻蒸高まる献身司令官の頌歌弱者の師宮殿の看守
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness村の鐘鳴らし栄光の光景雨ざらしの旅人秘儀の否定願い与えの加護壮大な鯨考慮綿密な分析壊滅的大潮嘘か真か禁忌の錬金術過去に学ぶ
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness苦痛の命令大群への給餌喉首狙い衰滅生ける屍無慈悲な処刑人夜の囁き再活性カラスの仕返し血なまぐさい結合毒の濁流憤怒
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness開拓地の戦争屋ゴブリンのクレーター掘りゴブリンの闇住まいどぶ潜み過酷な指導者謙虚な離反者業火のタイタン山背骨のドラゴン玉座の災い魔分かち合う憎しみ輝光の推進力包囲攻撃の司令官
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness極楽鳥耕作エルフの大ドルイドエルフの神秘家エルフの笛吹きエルフの幻想家エルフの戦練者本質の管理人彼方地のエルフ遥か見起源の波金のガチョウ
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness果樹園の徘徊者圧倒する暴走楽園のドルイド裕福な亭主不屈の自然領域の探求者再利用の賢者蘇生の二粒森の捧げ物不屈の補給兵ウッド・エルフ森滅ぼしの最長老
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness抜け目ない狩人至高の評決秘儀の印鑑玄武岩のモノリス彩色の灯籠統率者の宝球運命の扉永遠溢れの杯先祖伝来の宝刀通報の角笛稲妻のすね当て精神石
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness勝者の戦旗旅人のガラクタ失われし夢の井戸囁き絹の外套摩滅したパワーストーン接続トンネル灰のやせ地戦場の鍛冶場低木林地梢の眺望詰まった河口断崖の避難所
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness風変わりな果樹園廃墟の地溢れかえる果樹園凶兆の廃墟要塞化した村凍沸の交錯怒静の交錯幽霊街氷河の城砦灰色革の隠れ家内陸の湾港孤立した礼拝堂
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness回復の温泉ならず者の道砂草原の城塞まばらな木立ち磨かれたやせ地閑静な中庭光影の交錯燻る湿地硫黄の滝硫黄泉窪み渓谷陽花弁の木立ち
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpness蔦明の交錯風に削られた岩山風立ての高地森林の墓地森林地の小川The Great HengeCloudstone CurioEnsnaring BridgeThe OzolithRings of BrighthearthShadowspearSword of Hearth and Home
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessCastle ArdenvaleCavern of SoulsDeserted TempleGemstone CavernsHomeward PathHorizon CanopyKarakasKor HavenMinamo, School at Water's EdgeMouth of RonomOboro, Palace in the CloudsPillar of the Paruns
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessCloudstone CurioEnsnaring BridgeThe OzolithRings of BrighthearthShadowspearSword of Hearth and HomeSword of the AnimistThorn of AmethystAncient TombBojuka BogBoseiju, Who Shelters AllCabal Coffers
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessKarakasKor HavenMinamo, School at Water's EdgeMouth of RonomOboro, Palace in the CloudsPillar of the ParunsReflecting PoolShinka, the Bloodsoaked KeepUrborg, Tomb of YawgmothWastelandYavimaya, Cradle of GrowthSol Ring
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessGilraen, Dúnedain ProtectorGrey Host ReinforcementsGwaihir, Greatest of the EaglesLossarnach CaptainOf Herbs and Stewed RabbitArchivist of GondorCorsairs of UmbarDenethor, Stone SeerFealty to the RealmMonstrosity of the LakeRaise the PalisadeSubjugate the Hobbits
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessCavern-Hoard DragonGimli of the Glittering CavesOrcish SiegemasterRampaging War MammothArwen, Weaver of HopeAssemble the EntmootFeasting HobbitGaladhrim AmbushHaldir, Lórien LieutenantLegolas GreenleafMirkwood ElkMotivated Pony
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessBilbo, Birthday CelebrantBoromir, Gondor's HopeCírdan the ShipwrightElrond of the White CouncilÉomer, King of RohanÉowyn, ShieldmaidenErestor of the CouncilFaramir, Steward of GondorFarmer CottonForth Eorlingas!Frodo, Adventurous HobbitGaladriel, Elven-Queen
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessMirkwood TrapperMoria ScavengerOath of EorlPippin, Warden of IsengardRadagast, Wizard of WildsRiders of RohanSail into the WestSam, Loyal AttendantSaruman, the White HandSauron, Lord of the RingsSong of EärendilSummons of Saruman
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessLothlórien BladeModel of UnityRelic of SauronThe Black GateAndúril, Narsil ReforgedAragorn, Hornburg HeroLegolas's Quick ReflexesGimli's Reckless MightIsengard UnleashedRohirrim ChargersArboreal AllianceGaladriel, Light of Valinor
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessRammas Echor, Ancient ShieldCourageous ResolveGandalf of the Secret FireFell Beast's ShriekCall Forth the TempestNazgûl Battle-MaceWitch-king, Sky ScourgeMordor on the MarchFell Beast of MordorMinas Morgul, Dark FortressKenrith, the Returned KingIshkanah, Grafwidow
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessPact of NegationRiver KelpieAbyssal PersecutorDiabolic IntentElvish HarbingerExploreSeasons PastSecond HarvestSylvan TutorTempt with DiscoveryTimber ProtectorMyriad Landscape
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessArboreal AllianceGaladriel, Light of ValinorRally the GaladhrimGaladriel's DismissalMists of LórienGaladhrim BrigadeOlórin's Searing LightSorcerous SquallRammas Echor, Ancient ShieldCourageous ResolveGandalf of the Secret FireFell Beast's Shriek
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessThe Great HengeCloudstone CurioEnsnaring BridgeThe OzolithRings of BrighthearthShadowspearSword of Hearth and HomeSword of the AnimistThorn of AmethystAncient TombBojuka BogBoseiju, Who Shelters All
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessHomeward PathHorizon CanopyKarakasKor HavenMinamo, School at Water's EdgeMouth of RonomOboro, Palace in the CloudsPillar of the ParunsReflecting PoolShinka, the Bloodsoaked KeepUrborg, Tomb of YawgmothWasteland