You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessProwl, Stoic StrategistProwl, Pursuit VehicleRatchet, Field MedicRatchet, Rescue RacerJetfire, Ingenious ScientistJetfire, Air GuardianBlitzwing, Cruel TormentorBlitzwing, Adaptive AssailantStarscream, Power HungryStarscream, Seeker LeaderSlicer, Hired MuscleSlicer, High-Speed AntagonistArcee, SharpshooterArcee, Acrobatic CoupeBlaster, Combat DJBlaster, Morale BoosterCyclonus, the SaboteurCyclonus, Cybertronian FighterFlamewar, Brash VeteranFlamewar, Streetwise OperativeGoldbug, Humanity's AllyGoldbug, Scrappy ScoutMegatron, TyrantMegatron, Destructive Force
You get what you see, make sure to double click on images to zoom in and verify sharpnessBlitzwing, Cruel TormentorBlitzwing, Adaptive AssailantStarscream, Power HungryStarscream, Seeker LeaderSlicer, Hired MuscleSlicer, High-Speed AntagonistBlaster, Combat DJBlaster, Morale BoosterCyclonus, the SaboteurCyclonus, Cybertronian FighterFlamewar, Brash VeteranFlamewar, Streetwise OperativeGoldbug, Humanity's AllyGoldbug, Scrappy ScoutMegatron, TyrantMegatron, Destructive ForceOptimus Prime, HeroOptimus Prime, Autobot LeaderSoundwave, Sonic SpySoundwave, Superior CaptainUltra Magnus, TacticianUltra Magnus, Armored Carrier